Ryan is a womanizing stockbroker whose unethical business practices cost him his job and his trade
Ryan is a womanizing stockbroker whose unethical business practices cost him his job and his trader's license. Unable to find another job, he is forced to move in with his equally self-involved (and completely oblivious) girlfriend, Cindy, an insensitive advice columnist on the cusp of losing her own job due to her poor advice and slow work habits. Finding that the truth behind his moving in has nothing to do with romance, Cindy runs off with another man. Ryan decides to stay in the apartment and earn a living by doing Cindy's job. Ryan establishes himself with Cindy's editor, Page, as Cindy's go-fer, collecting Cindy's paychecks and mail and delivering "her" columns. Initially as hopelessly inept as Cindy in giving advice, he nearly gets the column canceled. However, he rapidly grows into the job and the combination of forced introspection, research and the growing knowledge that he is touching other people's lives transforms him. The column becomes an amazing success. Ryan finds his initially superficial attraction to Page growing into love, but he cannot reveal his feelings while he is a deceptive fraud. Meanwhile, Cindy becomes aware of "her" growing fame, and returns to cash in, at the same time that the owner of a rival newspaper chain attempts to force Page to sell "Cindy's" column to him.故事梗概: 交易员瑞恩年轻有为不但工作出色还有一个漂亮性感的女朋友为了早日成为公司的股东之一他孤注一掷决定做一笔大生意从报业巨头辛普森那里瑞恩得到了些许内幕并告诉自己的客户们希望从此得到巨额的利润从此可以咸鱼翻身但没想到的是千不该万不该瑞恩的情人竟然是辛普森的老婆这次泄密只是为了报复瑞恩而已一夜之间瑞恩失去了所有没有工作、没有大房子、没有汽车连女朋友、可爱的小甜心辛迪也离开他和一个钻石矿主去了非洲瑞恩的生活陷入一片混乱他的精神也几近崩溃 但一个打给辛迪的电话拯救了他原来身为报纸板块顾问的女朋友交稿的日期马上就到了可是辛迪正在非洲于是瑞恩灵机一动决定代替女朋友工作以换取报酬瑞恩代替辛迪写的稿件让主编汉森小姐十分不满一气之下决定撤销板块瑞恩软磨硬泡举出种种理由让汉森小姐回心转意甚至不惜使出美男计贿赂又老又丑的秘书终于汉森小姐答应再给瑞恩一次机会 为了写出更好的稿件瑞恩努力研读各种女性杂志希望能够给读者更好的意见功夫不负有心人有他撰写稿件的报纸卖得飞快汉森小姐对他的看法也有所改观当然作者的名字仍然是辛迪一夜之间辛迪这个名字迅速火爆起来各大报纸都想一睹芳容得到独家内幕瑞恩只能推托说辛迪正在生病不易见人但这只能让人们更加好奇辛迪板块的成功让辛普森红了眼威逼汉森小姐把辛迪的合作权转让给他汉森小姐虽然左右为难但还是强硬地拒绝了他 此时没经过一段时间的相处瑞恩和汉森之间渐渐萌生了感情汉森也得知了整个事情的真相于是二人彼此扶持对付多多逼人的辛普森并最终取得了胜利 精彩视点: 《金玉良言》是2001年由美国弗拉电影公司投入巨资拍摄的一部家庭喜剧大片影片故事情节诙谐幽默节奏明快活泼又不乏深刻的教育意义可以说是近年来一部不可多得的作品 本片的男主角查理·希恩是当今好莱坞最具实力的演员之一他于1965年9月3日出生于美国的纽约虽然只有不到二十年的出道时间但他的演技已达到了炉火纯青的地步由他出演《美国小子》、《华尔街》、《八面威风》等多部影片都深受广大影迷欢迎并赢得多项国内外大奖 在这部影片中查理·希恩不但成功地塑造了好男人瑞恩的形象其在片中英俊潇洒的造型也赢得了广大影迷的心 1月10日 22:02 CCTV-6播出 1月11日 14:37 CCTV-6详情